Title: Holistic Well-being: A Paradigm Shift
Tagline: Nourish your Body, Free your Mind, Awaken your Spirit
Brief: A Practical and Balanced Approach to Nutrition, Natural health & Holistic Living
Author: By Danielle Bryant
Released: 27th April 2013
ISBN: 978-0-9575952-0-0
FORMAT: Paperback
PAGES: 464
ILLUSTRATIONS: 27 b/w images
PRICE: £14.99
Copyright: Impetus Books 2013
Holistic Well-being: A Paradigm Shift attempts to cut through mainstream corporate health propaganda which makes looking after our own health so confusing. In addition Danielle offers a balanced and common sense approach which helps to find balance between extremism, focussing on what she believes is really important.
It contains a vast range of subjects with information on all aspects of holistic health, including how our holistic well-being is compromised on a daily basis. There is well-researched ‘cutting edge’ health information based not only upon her own studies, client/customer feedback and her own experience, but through well-respected nutritional doctors and researchers. Danielle’s openness to political and corporate issues helps the reader to understand the bigger picture of why dangerous products are available to us in the first place and provides useful solutions to not only protect yourself and your loved ones, but ways in which you can help contribute towards a better future for all of us.
Danielle is a Yoga Teacher, Reiki Master/Teacher and Holistic Therapist qualified in Nutritional Therapy, Reflexology, Homeopathy, Nutritional Therapy and Holistic Diagnosis. She is co-founder of Shop Holistic and runs a free Natural Health Advice Line and Clinic. She is also a Truth and Health Freedom activist, running regular local ‘Awakening Group’ meetings, campaigns and events.
- Common sense, practical and balanced approach
- Advice on finding suitable therapists & sourcing products
- Handy tips on carrying out further research with suggested sources of unbiased information
- Empowers the reader to make decisions for themselves
- without dictating beliefs
- After reading, this book forms a helpful reference guide:
- Comprehensive Candida self-help guide
- Mini Crystal directory
- Essential Homeopathy and Bach Flower remedy profiles
- Summaries of essential Vitamins & Minerals including signs of deficiency
- Self-help guides to common conditions & diseases
- Full list and explanation of Logical Fallacies
- A variety of Aromatherapy recipes
This book is now out of print as it is being superseded by the second edition.